-- Introduction --
Hopefully this will enable people to understand "why"
there is only "one" truth and how we can all move forward in learning more
about the "nature" of what that one truth is and why no single person or
group of people can be the "owner" of the one truth and that literally everyone
has a piece of the "enlightening" puzzle which is like a riddle, wrapped
in a mystery, inside an enigma.
-- Substance --
I just figured out a great example of how two seemingly
very different points of view can be demonstrated to have not only similarity
but symmetricality to the point that they are saying or expressing almost,
if not totally, the same exact thing! :o)
Perhaps think in terms of a dialogue facilitator
(or "introducer") who is in the presence of two people who are arguing violently
that "their" symbol represents THE truth. It is the dialogue leader's "job"
to point out, or offer questions that will bring out, awareness of ever greater
levels of subtlety of what each person wants to express. The dialogue leader
"should" know enough about "reality" and "truth" that they can "help" BOTH
sides of any argument reach a point of "AH-HAH!" or "ah-haaahhh..." :o)
Think about something for a moment. If the dialogue
leader does not know "truth" then how can that person help other people get
to the point where "they" recognize truth? There will NEVER be a "live and
let live" world because of the tendency of "all elements to interact with
each other to different extents and in different intensities depending upon
the particular types of circumstances that exist at any particular moment."
Life is a "continually" evolving dynamic. Things
constantly change. Conditions constantly change. There may come an expression
such as "truth of the moment" or whatever. However, THE truth can be identified
"in the moment" IF and only IF all people involved are open to paying attention
to the particular circumstances that exist in the moment that people "choose"
to start paying attention. Please notice that this has nothing to do with
the past.
The past or "history" can be used to demonstrate
"patterns" but has nothing to do with what is "now", what is truth in present
time, what is the TRUTH-OF-THE-MOMENT.
This is an actual example of a problem that a group
of mathematicians, who are evaluating so-called free or zero-point energy,
are having.
Please look at both of these symbols for a couple
of minutes before continuing. Go back and forth between them a couple of
times. Allow your eyes to "blur" a little bit. Do you notice anything that
"pops out" at you? Do you notice any similarities? If you tilt your head
to the left do you notice any thing different? If you tilt your head to
the right do you notice anything else that is different than if you just
look at them straight on?
What if I told you that both of these symbols were
exactly the same symbol? What would you say? How would you "react"? How
would you respond?
Pretend that the symbol on the left represents the
Islamic way of thinking and the symbol on the right represents the Christian
way of thinking.
What are the differences?
What are the similarities?
What is the truth?
The "truth" is basically THAT WHICH CAN BE AGREED
UPON. Otherwise we have to keep searching for better "examples" and better
expressions of what we "think" is true.
So, again, what are the similarities?
Do not both of the symbols have a circle?
Is not that circle around the outside of each
Looking at both symbols from the "outside in" from
a not so nit picky not so precise point of view can we not come to an agreement
then that both the wisdom of Islam and the wisdom of Christianity have "something"
in common?
This is the first step of "mediation", the first
step of "healing", the first step that says, "Okay, now I can RELAAAX. I
know that there is hope. I know that there is light at the end of the tunnel.
I know that there is a chance that I will learn something new here."
This is an "opening".
Then we move onto something that is a little less
obvious. What other "pattern" do you see in both symbols? Do you each see
three lines that each connect to the other two?
Is this pattern easier to see in one symbol than it is in the other symbol?
What would you call this 3-line-pattern?
Okay, I hear that the Christian calls the pattern
a triangle. The Islam calls the pattern a pyramid. Is there any similarity
between the triangle and the pyramid? Can we "agree" in the similarity without
arguing about what to "call" it? Can we agree that something similar can
be referred to as different things?
What good does it do to argue that something is a
pyramid when what is "meant" or what is "represented" by the pyramid is similar
to what a triangle means or represents? Can we not BOTH "learn" from each
other's expressions of similarity? Might this not "lead" us into ever deeper
meanings of pyramids and triangles?
Okay, now we are having fun! We are seeing commonality
where we once saw difference. We have now noticed TWO aspects of similarity.
But wait! How can we agree that all that stuff in
the middle of the two symbols is similar? In one symbol the lines seem spread
out and "neat" whereas in the other symbol there appears to be confusion
that almost looks like a star, or doorway, or...
Well, I did not want to get too involved in this
"simple" example but ideas kept coming to me as I kept writing and noticing
new things.
The connection with "Sacred Geometry" that has to
do with so-called free or zero-point energy is that both of these symbols
represent a "flat" view of a three dimensional object. If a person can not
"see" pictures in their "mind's eye" then they may not be able to "imagine"
what something might look like if "rotated" three-dimensionally.
So it does not help to "argue" with someone who is
"handicapped". That would be like going to battle against an unarmed opponent.
So, we may need to identify such "incapacities" so that we can "explain"
the differences in what is being perceived respectively by each participant
in the dialogue.
You see, the stuff in the middle of both symbols
that is not the circle or the triangle/pyramid is the "pattern" of "something"
that is "bouncing" or traveling around the inside of a "sphere". This could
relate to something "like" a proton in an atom.
I am not going to say that this is definite but the
triangle/pyramid could or might (it appears to) represent "equilateral pressure"
or balance. The word "pyramid" literally means "fire in the middle." So
this could represent what happens when some "thing" experiences the entirety
of its environment THEN something "else" happens.
Anyway, the symbol on the left might be a "front"
view of the pattern and the symbol on the right might be the "left side"
view thinking in terms of a three dimensional pattern. Where on the right
symbol on the upper left and right sides you see short lines imagine that
the lower part of those lines corresponds to the same points on the left
symbol. Now, imagine that the upper parts of the lines, when rotated sideways,
"cross over" to the other side of the circle/sphere.
Can you see the potential that BOTH of these symbols
are different views of the SAME thing looked at from different "points of
view"? Or, that different points of view CAN represent EXACTLY the same
Can you see how there might be a "need" for "inter-dimensional"
or "hyper-dimensional" thinking and visualization capability which may be
the basis for so-called "alien" technology?
Do you find this as exciting as I do?! :o)
Then continuing still further/deeper...
As you know, with a four-sided pyramid both the front
and left views of the pyramid are the same. I personally experienced this
"in-person" when I travelled to Giza, Egypt and for some reason was permitted
to go "inside" the pyramid all the way "up" to the "King's Chamber" which
I have been told that not many people have been able to do. I was also offered
to go "down" into some "secret" chambers however it was a tight fit (narrow)
and it was dark so I chose not to do it at the time.
This reminds me that some Hawaiians once showed me
their sacred loi's (terraced stream-fed gardens) almost as if to say, "Please
help us save this sacred indigenous knowledge." The word "sacred" meaning
"that which helps to remind us of deeper meanings."
Please let me know if this has helped to explain
what some might call, "the unexplainable". I would also appreciate any comments
or suggestions as to how I might explain this even better like more examples
or different takes on similar ideas.
Do you think that I might be able to get a Nobel
Prize for this like John Forbes Nash, Jr. did for his thesis on the "Nash
Equilibrium" which led to the development of Non-Cooperative Game Theory?
- pi -